Python-Based Reinforcement Learning on Simulink Models

  • 2024-05-14 14:01:04
  • Georg Schäfer, Max Schirl, Jakob Rehrl, Stefan Huber, Simon Hirlaender
  • 0


This paper proposes a framework for training Reinforcement Learning agentsusing Python in conjunction with Simulink models. Leveraging Python's superiorcustomization options and popular libraries like Stable Baselines3, we aim tobridge the gap between the established Simulink environment and the flexibilityof Python for training bleeding edge agents. Our approach is demonstrated onthe Quanser Aero 2, a versatile dual-rotor helicopter. We show that policiestrained on Simulink models can be seamlessly transferred to the real system,enabling efficient development and deployment of Reinforcement Learning agentsfor control tasks. Through systematic integration steps, including C-codegeneration from Simulink, DLL compilation, and Python interface development, weestablish a robust framework for training agents on Simulink models.Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassingprevious efforts and highlighting the potential of combining Simulink withPython for Reinforcement Learning research and applications.


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