Ambiguous Annotations: When is a Pedestrian not a Pedestrian?

  • 2024-05-14 18:44:34
  • Luisa Schwirten, Jannes Scholz, Daniel Kondermann, Janis Keuper
  • 0


Datasets labelled by human annotators are widely used in the training andtesting of machine learning models. In recent years, researchers areincreasingly paying attention to label quality. However, it is not alwayspossible to objectively determine whether an assigned label is correct or not.The present work investigates this ambiguity in the annotation of autonomousdriving datasets as an important dimension of data quality. Our experimentsshow that excluding highly ambiguous data from the training improves modelperformance of a state-of-the-art pedestrian detector in terms of LAMR,precision and F1 score, thereby saving training time and annotation costs.Furthermore, we demonstrate that, in order to safely remove ambiguous instancesand ensure the retained representativeness of the training data, anunderstanding of the properties of the dataset and class under investigation iscrucial.


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