Foundations for Digital Twins

  • 2024-05-02 03:52:11
  • Regina Hurley, Dan Maxwell, Jon McLellan, Finn Wilson, John Beverley
  • 0


The growing reliance on digital twins across various industries and domainsbrings with it semantic interoperability challenges. Ontologies are awell-known strategy for addressing such challenges, though given the complexityof the phenomenon, there are risks of reintroducing the interoperabilitychallenges at the level of ontology representations. In the interest ofavoiding such pitfalls, we introduce and defend characterizations of digitaltwins within the context of the Common Core Ontologies, an extension of thewidely-used Basic Formal Ontology. We provide a set of definitions and designpatterns relevant to the domain of digital twins, highlighted by illustrativeuse cases of digital twins and their physical counterparts. In doing so, weprovide a foundation on which to build more sophisticated ontological contentrelated and connected to digital twins.


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