Transformer tricks: Removing weights for skipless transformers

  • 2024-04-18 18:45:19
  • Nils Graef
  • 0


He and Hofmann (arXiv:2311.01906) detailed a skipless transformer without theV and P (post-attention projection) linear layers, which reduces the totalnumber of weights. However, this scheme is only applicable to MHA (multi-headattention), but not for MQA (multi-query attention) and GQA (grouped-queryattention). The latter schemes are used by many popular LLMs such as Llama 2,Mistral, Mixtral, PaLM, and Gemma. Therefore, this micro-paper proposesmathematically equivalent versions that are suitable for MQA and GQA. Forexample, removing Q and P from a skipless version of Mistral-7B would remove15% of its weights (and thus reduce its compute and memory complexity). SeearXiv:2402.13388 and forcode and more transformer tricks.


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