6Img-to-3D: Few-Image Large-Scale Outdoor Driving Scene Reconstruction

  • 2024-04-18 18:58:16
  • Théo Gieruc, Marius Kästingschäfer, Sebastian Bernhard, Mathieu Salzmann
  • 0


Current 3D reconstruction techniques struggle to infer unbounded scenes froma few images faithfully. Specifically, existing methods have high computationaldemands, require detailed pose information, and cannot reconstruct occludedregions reliably. We introduce 6Img-to-3D, an efficient, scalabletransformer-based encoder-renderer method for single-shot image to 3Dreconstruction. Our method outputs a 3D-consistent parameterized triplane fromonly six outward-facing input images for large-scale, unbounded outdoor drivingscenarios. We take a step towards resolving existing shortcomings by combiningcontracted custom cross- and self-attention mechanisms for triplaneparameterization, differentiable volume rendering, scene contraction, and imagefeature projection. We showcase that six surround-view vehicle images from asingle timestamp without global pose information are enough to reconstruct360$^{\circ}$ scenes during inference time, taking 395 ms. Our method allows,for example, rendering third-person images and birds-eye views. Our code isavailable at https://github.com/continental/6Img-to-3D, and more examples canbe found at our website here https://6Img-to-3D.GitHub.io/.


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