From Two-Dimensional to Three-Dimensional Environment with Q-Learning: Modeling Autonomous Navigation with Reinforcement Learning and no Libraries

  • 2024-03-27 04:07:18
  • Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva
  • 0


Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have become indispensable tools inartificial intelligence, empowering agents to acquire optimal decision-makingpolicies through interactions with their environment and feedback mechanisms.This study explores the performance of RL agents in both two-dimensional (2D)and three-dimensional (3D) environments, aiming to research the dynamics oflearning across different spatial dimensions. A key aspect of thisinvestigation is the absence of pre-made libraries for learning, with thealgorithm developed exclusively through computational mathematics. Themethodological framework centers on RL principles, employing a Q-learning agentclass and distinct environment classes tailored to each spatial dimension. Theresearch aims to address the question: How do reinforcement learning agentsadapt and perform in environments of varying spatial dimensions, particularlyin 2D and 3D settings? Through empirical analysis, the study evaluates agents'learning trajectories and adaptation processes, revealing insights into theefficacy of RL algorithms in navigating complex, multi-dimensional spaces.Reflections on the findings prompt considerations for future research,particularly in understanding the dynamics of learning in higher-dimensionalenvironments.


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