Commonsense for Generative Multi-Hop Question Answering Tasks

  • 2018-09-17 16:24:00
  • Lisa Bauer, Yicheng Wang, Mohit Bansal
  • 3


Reading comprehension QA tasks have seen a recent surge in popularity, yetmost works have focused on fact-finding extractive QA. We instead focus on amore challenging multi-hop generative task (NarrativeQA), which requires themodel to reason, gather, and synthesize disjoint pieces of information withinthe context to generate an answer. This type of multi-step reasoning also oftenrequires understanding implicit relations, which humans resolve via external,background commonsense knowledge. We first present a strong generative baselinethat uses a multi-attention mechanism to perform multiple hops of reasoning anda pointer-generator decoder to synthesize the answer. This model performssubstantially better than previous generative models, and is competitive withcurrent state-of-the-art span prediction models. We next introduce a novelsystem for selecting grounded multi-hop relational commonsense information fromConceptNet via a pointwise mutual information and term-frequency based scoringfunction. Finally, we effectively use this extracted commonsense information tofill in gaps of reasoning between context hops, using a selectively-gatedattention mechanism. This boosts the model's performance significantly (alsoverified via human evaluation), establishing a new state-of-the-art for thetask. We also show that our background knowledge enhancements are generalizableand improve performance on QAngaroo-WikiHop, another multi-hop reasoningdataset.


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