(Un)making AI Magic: a Design Taxonomy

  • 2024-03-22 15:03:37
  • Maria Luce Lupetti, Dave Murray-Rust
  • 0


This paper examines the role that enchantment plays in the design of AIthings by constructing a taxonomy of design approaches that increase ordecrease the perception of magic and enchantment. We start from the designdiscourse surrounding recent developments in AI technologies, highlightingspecific interaction qualities such as algorithmic uncertainties and errors andarticulating relations to the rhetoric of magic and supernatural thinking.Through analyzing and reflecting upon 52 students' design projects from twoeditions of a Master course in design and AI, we identify seven designprinciples and unpack the effects of each in terms of enchantment anddisenchantment. We conclude by articulating ways in which this taxonomy can beapproached and appropriated by design/HCI practitioners, especially to supportexploration and reflexivity.


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