Less than one percent of words would be affected by gender-inclusive language in German press texts

  • 2024-02-06 10:32:34
  • Carolin Müller-Spitzer, Samira Ochs, Alexander Koplenig, Jan-Oliver Rüdiger, Sascha Wolfer
  • 0


Research on gender and language is tightly knitted to social debates ongender equality and non-discriminatory language use. Psycholinguistic scholarshave made significant contributions in this field. However, corpus-basedstudies that investigate these matters within the context of language use arestill rare. In our study, we address the question of how much textual materialwould actually have to be changed if non-gender-inclusive texts were rewrittento be gender-inclusive. This quantitative measure is an important empiricalinsight, as a recurring argument against the use of gender-inclusive German isthat it supposedly makes written texts too long and complicated. It is alsoargued that gender-inclusive language has negative effects on languagelearners. However, such effects are only likely if gender-inclusive texts arevery different from those that are not gender-inclusive. In ourcorpus-linguistic study, we manually annotated German press texts to identifythe parts that would have to be changed. Our results show that, on average,less than 1% of all tokens would be affected by gender-inclusive language. Thissmall proportion calls into question whether gender-inclusive German presents asubstantial barrier to understanding and learning the language, particularlywhen we take into account the potential complexities of interpreting masculinegenerics.


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