Deep Network Approximation: Beyond ReLU to Diverse Activation Functions

  • 2024-01-31 17:57:17
  • Shijun Zhang, Jianfeng Lu, Hongkai Zhao
  • 0


This paper explores the expressive power of deep neural networks for adiverse range of activation functions. An activation function set $\mathscr{A}$is defined to encompass the majority of commonly used activation functions,such as $\mathtt{ReLU}$, $\mathtt{LeakyReLU}$, $\mathtt{ReLU}^2$,$\mathtt{ELU}$, $\mathtt{CELU}$, $\mathtt{SELU}$, $\mathtt{Softplus}$,$\mathtt{GELU}$, $\mathtt{SiLU}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $\mathtt{Mish}$,$\mathtt{Sigmoid}$, $\mathtt{Tanh}$, $\mathtt{Arctan}$, $\mathtt{Softsign}$,$\mathtt{dSiLU}$, and $\mathtt{SRS}$. We demonstrate that for any activationfunction $\varrho\in \mathscr{A}$, a $\mathtt{ReLU}$ network of width $N$ anddepth $L$ can be approximated to arbitrary precision by a $\varrho$-activatednetwork of width $3N$ and depth $2L$ on any bounded set. This finding enablesthe extension of most approximation results achieved with $\mathtt{ReLU}$networks to a wide variety of other activation functions, albeit with slightlyincreased constants. Significantly, we establish that the (width,$\,$depth)scaling factors can be further reduced from $(3,2)$ to $(1,1)$ if $\varrho$falls within a specific subset of $\mathscr{A}$. This subset includesactivation functions such as $\mathtt{ELU}$, $\mathtt{CELU}$, $\mathtt{SELU}$,$\mathtt{Softplus}$, $\mathtt{GELU}$, $\mathtt{SiLU}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, and$\mathtt{Mish}$.


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