Retrieve and Refine: Improved Sequence Generation Models For Dialogue

  • 2018-08-14 16:13:44
  • Jason Weston, Emily Dinan, Alexander H. Miller
  • 8


Sequence generation models for dialogue are known to have several problems:they tend to produce short, generic sentences that are uninformative andunengaging. Retrieval models on the other hand can surface interestingresponses, but are restricted to the given retrieval set leading to erroneousreplies that cannot be tuned to the specific context. In this work we develop amodel that combines the two approaches to avoid both their deficiencies: firstretrieve a response and then refine it -- the final sequence generator treatingthe retrieval as additional context. We show on the recent CONVAI2 challengetask our approach produces responses superior to both standard retrieval andgeneration models in human evaluations.


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