The Linear Representation Hypothesis and the Geometry of Large Language Models

  • 2023-11-07 01:59:11
  • Kiho Park, Yo Joong Choe, Victor Veitch
  • 0


Informally, the 'linear representation hypothesis' is the idea thathigh-level concepts are represented linearly as directions in somerepresentation space. In this paper, we address two closely related questions:What does "linear representation" actually mean? And, how do we make sense ofgeometric notions (e.g., cosine similarity or projection) in the representationspace? To answer these, we use the language of counterfactuals to give twoformalizations of "linear representation", one in the output (word)representation space, and one in the input (sentence) space. We then provethese connect to linear probing and model steering, respectively. To make senseof geometric notions, we use the formalization to identify a particular(non-Euclidean) inner product that respects language structure in a sense wemake precise. Using this causal inner product, we show how to unify all notionsof linear representation. In particular, this allows the construction of probesand steering vectors using counterfactual pairs. Experiments with LLaMA-2demonstrate the existence of linear representations of concepts, the connectionto interpretation and control, and the fundamental role of the choice of innerproduct.


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