Multi-task Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning

  • 2018-07-15 13:58:18
  • Adam Gleave, Oliver Habryka
  • 0


Multi-task Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) is the problem of inferringmultiple reward functions from expert demonstrations. Prior work, built onBayesian IRL, is unable to scale to complex environments due to computationalconstraints. This paper contributes a formulation of multi-task IRL in the morecomputationally efficient Maximum Causal Entropy (MCE) IRL framework.Experiments show our approach can perform one-shot imitation learning in agridworld environment that single-task IRL algorithms need hundreds ofdemonstrations to solve. We outline preliminary work using meta-learning toextend our method to the function approximator setting of modern MCE IRLalgorithms. Evaluating on multi-task variants of common simulated roboticsbenchmarks, we discover serious limitations of these IRL algorithms, andconclude with suggestions for further work.


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