Learning Product Codebooks using Vector Quantized Autoencoders for Image Retrieval

  • 2018-07-12 15:08:31
  • Hanwei Wu, Markus Flierl
  • 23


The Vector Quantized-Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) provides anunsupervised model for learning discrete representations by combining vectorquantization and autoencoders. The VQ-VAE can avoid the issue of "posteriorcollapse" so that its learned discrete representation is meaningful. In thispaper, we incorporate the product quantization into the bottleneck stage ofVQ-VAE and propose an end-to-end unsupervised learning model for the imageretrieval tasks. Compared to the classic vector quantization, productquantization has the advantage of generating large size codebook and fastretrieval can be achieved by using the lookup tables that store the distancebetween every two sub-codewords. In our proposed model, the product codebook isjointly learned with the encoders and decoders of the autoencoders. Theencodings of query and database images can be generated by feeding the imagesinto the trained encoder and learned product codebook. The experiment showsthat our proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art hashing andquantization methods for image retrieval.


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