Logarithmic Mathematical Morphology: theory and applications

  • 2023-09-05 08:45:35
  • Guillaume Noyel
  • 0


Classically, in Mathematical Morphology, an image (i.e., a grey-levelfunction) is analysed by another image which is named the structuring elementor the structuring function. This structuring function is moved over the imagedomain and summed to the image. However, in an image presenting lightingvariations, the analysis by a structuring function should require that itsamplitude varies according to the image intensity. Such a property is notverified in Mathematical Morphology for grey level functions, when thestructuring function is summed to the image with the usual additive law. Inorder to address this issue, a new framework is defined with an additive lawfor which the amplitude of the structuring function varies according to theimage amplitude. This additive law is chosen within the Logarithmic ImageProcessing framework and models the lighting variations with a physical causesuch as a change of light intensity or a change of camera exposure-time. Thenew framework is named Logarithmic Mathematical Morphology (LMM) and allows thedefinition of operators which are robust to such lighting variations. In imageswith uniform lighting variations, those new LMM operators perform better thanusual morphological operators. In eye-fundus images with non-uniform lightingvariations, a LMM method for vessel segmentation is compared to threestate-of-the-art approaches. Results show that the LMM approach has a betterrobustness to such variations than the three others.


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