Zipf's law in 50 languages: its structural pattern, linguistic interpretation, and cognitive motivation

  • 2018-07-05 06:03:39
  • Shuiyuan Yu, Chunshan Xu, Haitao Liu
  • 6


Zipf's law has been found in many human-related fields, including language,where the frequency of a word is persistently found as a power law function ofits frequency rank, known as Zipf's law. However, there is much dispute whetherit is a universal law or a statistical artifact, and little is known about whatmechanisms may have shaped it. To answer these questions, this study conducteda large scale cross language investigation into Zipf's law. The statisticalresults show that Zipf's laws in 50 languages all share a 3-segment structuralpattern, with each segment demonstrating distinctive linguistic properties andthe lower segment invariably bending downwards to deviate from theoreticalexpectation. This finding indicates that this deviation is a fundamental anduniversal feature of word frequency distributions in natural languages, not thestatistical error of low frequency words. A computer simulation based on thedual-process theory yields Zipf's law with the same structural pattern,suggesting that Zipf's law of natural languages are motivated by commoncognitive mechanisms. These results show that Zipf's law in languages ismotivated by cognitive mechanisms like dual-processing that govern human verbalbehaviors.


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