Deep Reinforcement Learning for Doom using Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks

  • 2018-07-05 12:30:15
  • Georgios Papoudakis, Kyriakos C. Chatzidimitriou, Pericles A. Mitkas
  • 6


Recent developments in deep reinforcement learning have enabled the creationof agents for solving a large variety of games given a visual input. Thesemethods have been proven successful for 2D games, like the Atari games, or forsimple tasks, like navigating in mazes. It is still an open question, how toaddress more complex environments, in which the reward is sparse and the statespace is huge. In this paper we propose a divide and conquer deep reinforcementlearning solution and we test our agent in the first person shooter (FPS) gameof Doom. Our work is based on previous works in deep reinforcement learning andin Doom agents. We also present how our agent is able to perform better inunknown environments compared to a state of the art reinforcement learningalgorithm.


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