Dank Learning: Generating Memes Using Deep Neural Networks

  • 2018-06-08 03:29:30
  • Abel L Peirson V, E Meltem Tolunay
  • 419


We introduce a novel meme generation system, which given any image canproduce a humorous and relevant caption. Furthermore, the system can beconditioned on not only an image but also a user-defined label relating to thememe template, giving a handle to the user on meme content. The system uses apretrained Inception-v3 network to return an image embedding which is passed toan attention-based deep-layer LSTM model producing the caption - inspired bythe widely recognised Show and Tell Model. We implement a modified beam searchto encourage diversity in the captions. We evaluate the quality of our modelusing perplexity and human assessment on both the quality of memes generatedand whether they can be differentiated from real ones. Our model producesoriginal memes that cannot on the whole be differentiated from real ones.


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