Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Human Strategies

  • 2018-06-12 14:40:24
  • Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Duy Nguyen, Saeid Nahavandi
  • 2


Deep learning has enabled traditional reinforcement learning methods to dealwith high-dimensional problems. However, one of the disadvantages of deepreinforcement learning methods is the limited exploration capacity of learningagents. In this paper, we introduce an approach that integrates humanstrategies to increase the exploration capacity of multiple deep reinforcementlearning agents. We also report the development of our own multi-agentenvironment called Multiple Tank Defence to simulate the proposed approach. Theresults show the significant performance improvement of multiple agents thathave learned cooperatively with human strategies. This implies that there is acritical need for human intellect teamed with machines to solve complexproblems. In addition, the success of this simulation indicates that ourdeveloped multi-agent environment can be used as a testbed platform to developand validate other multi-agent control algorithms. Details of the environmentimplementation can be referred to


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