GAN-generated Faces Detection: A Survey and New Perspectives

  • 2023-01-30 04:18:59
  • Xin Wang, Hui Guo, Shu Hu, Ming-Ching Chang, Siwei Lyu
  • 0


Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have led to the generation of veryrealistic face images, which have been used in fake social media accounts andother disinformation matters that can generate profound impacts. Therefore, thecorresponding GAN-face detection techniques are under active development thatcan examine and expose such fake faces. In this work, we aim to provide acomprehensive review of recent progress in GAN-face detection. We focus onmethods that can detect face images that are generated or synthesized from GANmodels. We classify the existing detection works into four categories: (1) deeplearning-based, (2) physical-based, (3) physiological-based methods, and (4)evaluation and comparison against human visual performance. For each category,we summarize the key ideas and connect them with method implementations. Wealso discuss open problems and suggest future research directions.


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