A Comprehensive Survey of Natural Language Generation Advances from the Perspective of Digital Deception

  • 2022-08-11 12:27:38
  • Keenan Jones, Enes Altuncu, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, Yichao Wang, Shujun Li
  • 18


In recent years there has been substantial growth in the capabilities ofsystems designed to generate text that mimics the fluency and coherence ofhuman language. From this, there has been considerable research aimed atexamining the potential uses of these natural language generators (NLG) towardsa wide number of tasks. The increasing capabilities of powerful text generatorsto mimic human writing convincingly raises the potential for deception andother forms of dangerous misuse. As these systems improve, and it becomes everharder to distinguish between human-written and machine-generated text,malicious actors could leverage these powerful NLG systems to a wide variety ofends, including the creation of fake news and misinformation, the generation offake online product reviews, or via chatbots as means of convincing users todivulge private information. In this paper, we provide an overview of the NLGfield via the identification and examination of 119 survey-like papers focusedon NLG research. From these identified papers, we outline a proposed high-leveltaxonomy of the central concepts that constitute NLG, including the methodsused to develop generalised NLG systems, the means by which these systems areevaluated, and the popular NLG tasks and subtasks that exist. In turn, weprovide an overview and discussion of each of these items with respect tocurrent research and offer an examination of the potential roles of NLG indeception and detection systems to counteract these threats. Moreover, wediscuss the broader challenges of NLG, including the risks of bias that areoften exhibited by existing text generation systems. This work offers a broadoverview of the field of NLG with respect to its potential for misuse, aimingto provide a high-level understanding of this rapidly developing area ofresearch.


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