Gradient-based Counterfactual Explanations using Tractable Probabilistic Models

  • 2022-05-16 17:05:43
  • Xiaoting Shao, Kristian Kersting
  • 2


Counterfactual examples are an appealing class of post-hoc explanations formachine learning models. Given input $x$ of class $y_1$, its counterfactual isa contrastive example $x^\prime$ of another class $y_0$. Current approachesprimarily solve this task by a complex optimization: define an objectivefunction based on the loss of the counterfactual outcome $y_0$ with hard orsoft constraints, then optimize this function as a black-box. This "deeplearning" approach, however, is rather slow, sometimes tricky, and may resultin unrealistic counterfactual examples. In this work, we propose a novelapproach to deal with these problems using only two gradient computations basedon tractable probabilistic models. First, we compute an unconstrainedcounterfactual $u$ of $x$ to induce the counterfactual outcome $y_0$. Then, weadapt $u$ to higher density regions, resulting in $x^{\prime}$. Empiricalevidence demonstrates the dominant advantages of our approach.


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