Loss Landscape Engineering via Data Regulation on PINNs

  • 2022-05-16 18:54:54
  • Vignesh Gopakumar, Stanislas Pamela, Debasmita Samaddar
  • 0


Physics-Informed Neural Networks have shown unique utility in parameterisingthe solution of a well-defined partial differential equation using automaticdifferentiation and residual losses. Though they provide theoretical guaranteesof convergence, in practice the required training regimes tend to be exactingand demanding. Through the course of this paper, we take a deep dive intounderstanding the loss landscapes associated with a PINN and how that offerssome insight as to why PINNs are fundamentally hard to optimise for. Wedemonstrate how PINNs can be forced to converge better towards the solution, byway of feeding in sparse or coarse data as a regulator. The data regulates andmorphs the topology of the loss landscape associated with the PINN to make iteasily traversable for the minimiser. Data regulation of PINNs helps ease theoptimisation required for convergence by invoking a hybridunsupervised-supervised training approach, where the labelled data pushes thenetwork towards the vicinity of the solution, and the unlabelled regimefine-tunes it to the solution.


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