Distributed Transmission Control for Wireless Networks using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

  • 2022-05-13 18:53:00
  • Collin Farquhar, Prem Sagar Pattanshetty Vasanth Kumar, Anu Jagannath, Jithin Jagannath
  • 0


We examine the problem of transmission control, i.e., when to transmit, indistributed wireless communications networks through the lens of multi-agentreinforcement learning. Most other works using reinforcement learning tocontrol or schedule transmissions use some centralized control mechanism,whereas our approach is fully distributed. Each transmitter node is anindependent reinforcement learning agent and does not have direct knowledge ofthe actions taken by other agents. We consider the case where only a subset ofagents can successfully transmit at a time, so each agent must learn to actcooperatively with other agents. An agent may decide to transmit a certainnumber of steps into the future, but this decision is not communicated to theother agents, so it the task of the individual agents to attempt to transmit atappropriate times. We achieve this collaborative behavior through studying theeffects of different actions spaces. We are agnostic to the physical layer,which makes our approach applicable to many types of networks. We submit thatapproaches similar to ours may be useful in other domains that use multi-agentreinforcement learning with independent agents.


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