Cybertrust: From Explainable to Actionable and Interpretable AI (AI2)

  • 2022-01-26 18:53:09
  • Stephanie Galaitsi, Benjamin D. Trump, Jeffrey M. Keisler, Igor Linkov, Alexander Kott
  • 1


To benefit from AI advances, users and operators of AI systems must havereason to trust it. Trust arises from multiple interactions, where predictableand desirable behavior is reinforced over time. Providing the system's userswith some understanding of AI operations can support predictability, butforcing AI to explain itself risks constraining AI capabilities to only thosereconcilable with human cognition. We argue that AI systems should be designedwith features that build trust by bringing decision-analytic perspectives andformal tools into AI. Instead of trying to achieve explainable AI, we shoulddevelop interpretable and actionable AI. Actionable and Interpretable AI (AI2)will incorporate explicit quantifications and visualizations of user confidencein AI recommendations. In doing so, it will allow examining and testing of AIsystem predictions to establish a basis for trust in the systems' decisionmaking and ensure broad benefits from deploying and advancing its computationalcapabilities.


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