Dimensions of Motion: Learning to Predict a Subspace of Optical Flow from a Single Image

  • 2021-12-02 18:52:54
  • Richard Strong Bowen, Richard Tucker, Ramin Zabih, Noah Snavely
  • 9


We introduce the problem of predicting, from a single video frame, alow-dimensional subspace of optical flow which includes the actualinstantaneous optical flow. We show how several natural scene assumptions allowus to identify an appropriate flow subspace via a set of basis flow fieldsparameterized by disparity and a representation of object instances. The flowsubspace, together with a novel loss function, can be used for the tasks ofpredicting monocular depth or predicting depth plus an object instanceembedding. This provides a new approach to learning these tasks in anunsupervised fashion using monocular input video without requiring cameraintrinsics or poses.


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