Growing knowledge culturally across generations to solve novel, complex tasks

  • 2021-07-28 14:09:40
  • Michael Henry Tessler, Pedro A. Tsividis, Jason Madeano, Brin Harper, Joshua B. Tenenbaum
  • 14


Knowledge built culturally across generations allows humans to learn far morethan an individual could glean from their own experience in a lifetime.Cultural knowledge in turn rests on language: language is the richest record ofwhat previous generations believed, valued, and practiced. The power andmechanisms of language as a means of cultural learning, however, are not wellunderstood. We take a first step towards reverse-engineering cultural learningthrough language. We developed a suite of complex high-stakes tasks in the formof minimalist-style video games, which we deployed in an iterated learningparadigm. Game participants were limited to only two attempts (two lives) tobeat each game and were allowed to write a message to a future participant whoread the message before playing. Knowledge accumulated gradually acrossgenerations, allowing later generations to advance further in the games andperform more efficient actions. Multigenerational learning followed astrikingly similar trajectory to individuals learning alone with an unlimitednumber of lives. These results suggest that language provides a sufficientmedium to express and accumulate the knowledge people acquire in these diversetasks: the dynamics of the environment, valuable goals, dangerous risks, andstrategies for success. The video game paradigm we pioneer here is thus a richtest bed for theories of cultural transmission and learning from language.


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