Counter-Strike Deathmatch with Large-Scale Behavioural Cloning

  • 2021-04-09 09:12:12
  • Tim Pearce, Jun Zhu
  • 42


This paper describes an AI agent that plays the popular first-person-shooter(FPS) video game `Counter-Strike; Global Offensive' (CSGO) from pixel input.The agent, a deep neural network, matches the performance of the mediumdifficulty built-in AI on the deathmatch game mode, whilst adopting a humanlikeplay style. Unlike much prior work in games, no API is available for CSGO, soalgorithms must train and run in real-time. This limits the quantity ofon-policy data that can be generated, precluding many reinforcement learningalgorithms. Our solution uses behavioural cloning - training on a large noisydataset scraped from human play on online servers (4 million frames, comparablein size to ImageNet), and a smaller dataset of high-quality expertdemonstrations. This scale is an order of magnitude larger than prior work onimitation learning in FPS games.


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