De-rendering the World's Revolutionary Artefacts

  • 2021-04-08 17:56:16
  • Shangzhe Wu, Ameesh Makadia, Jiajun Wu, Noah Snavely, Richard Tucker, Angjoo Kanazawa
  • 27


Recent works have shown exciting results in unsupervised image de-rendering-- learning to decompose 3D shape, appearance, and lighting from single-imagecollections without explicit supervision. However, many of these assumesimplistic material and lighting models. We propose a method, termed RADAR,that can recover environment illumination and surface materials from realsingle-image collections, relying neither on explicit 3D supervision, nor onmulti-view or multi-light images. Specifically, we focus on rotationallysymmetric artefacts that exhibit challenging surface properties includingspecular reflections, such as vases. We introduce a novel self-supervisedalbedo discriminator, which allows the model to recover plausible albedowithout requiring any ground-truth during training. In conjunction with a shapereconstruction module exploiting rotational symmetry, we present an end-to-endlearning framework that is able to de-render the world's revolutionaryartefacts. We conduct experiments on a real vase dataset and demonstratecompelling decomposition results, allowing for applications includingfree-viewpoint rendering and relighting.


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