Quantum reinforcement learning in continuous action space

  • 2021-01-13 15:58:16
  • Shaojun Wu, Shan Jin, Dingding Wen, Xiaoting Wang
  • 0


Quantum mechanics has the potential to speedup machine learning algorithms,including reinforcement learning(RL). Previous works have shown that quantumalgorithms can efficiently solve RL problems in discrete action space, butcould become intractable in continuous domain, suffering notably from the curseof dimensionality due to discretization. In this work, we propose analternative quantum circuit design that can solve RL problems in continuousaction space without the dimensionality problem. Specifically, we propose aquantum version of the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient method constructedfrom quantum neural networks, with the potential advantage of obtaining anexponential speedup in gate complexity for each iteration. As applications, wedemonstrate that quantum control tasks, including the eigenvalue problem andquantum state generation, can be formulated as sequential decision problems andsolved by our method.


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