Non-saturating GAN training as divergence minimization

  • 2020-10-15 21:34:56
  • Matt Shannon, Ben Poole, Soroosh Mariooryad, Tom Bagby, Eric Battenberg, David Kao, Daisy Stanton, RJ Skerry-Ryan
  • 29


Non-saturating generative adversarial network (GAN) training is widely usedand has continued to obtain groundbreaking results. However so far thisapproach has lacked strong theoretical justification, in contrast toalternatives such as f-GANs and Wasserstein GANs which are motivated in termsof approximate divergence minimization. In this paper we show thatnon-saturating GAN training does in fact approximately minimize a particularf-divergence. We develop general theoretical tools to compare and classifyf-divergences and use these to show that the new f-divergence is qualitativelysimilar to reverse KL. These results help to explain the high sample qualitybut poor diversity often observed empirically when using this scheme.


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