Adaptive Experimental Design for Efficient Treatment Effect Estimation

  • 2020-09-24 15:24:34
  • Masahiro Kato, Takuya Ishihara, Junya Honda, Yusuke Narita
  • 0


The goal of many scientific experiments including A/B testing is to estimatethe average treatment effect (ATE), which is defined as the difference betweenthe expected outcomes of two or more treatments. In this paper, we consider asituation where an experimenter can assign a treatment to research subjectssequentially. In adaptive experimental design, the experimenter is allowed tochange the probability of assigning a treatment using past observations forestimating the ATE efficiently. However, with this approach, it is difficult toapply a standard statistical method to construct an estimator because theobservations are not independent and identically distributed. We thus proposean algorithm for efficient experiments with estimators constructed fromdependent samples. We also introduce a sequential testing framework using theproposed estimator. To justify our proposed approach, we provide finite andinfinite sample analyses. Finally, we experimentally show that the proposedalgorithm exhibits preferable performance.


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