Structure-Guided Processing Path Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • 2020-09-21 09:20:24
  • Johannes Dornheim, Lukas Morand, Samuel Zeitvogel, Tarek Iraki, Norbert Link, Dirk Helm
  • 1


A major goal of material design is the inverse optimization ofprocessing-structure-property relationships. In this paper, we propose andinvestigate a deep reinforcement learning approach for the optimization ofprocessing paths. The goal is to find optimal processing paths in the materialstructure space that lead to target structures, which have been identifiedbeforehand to yield desired material properties. The contribution completes thedesired inversion of the processing-structure-property chain in a flexible andgeneric way. As the relation between properties and structures is generallynonunique, typically a whole set of goal structures can be identified, thatlead to desired properties. Our proposed method optimizes processing paths froma start structure to one of the equivalent goal-structures. The algorithmlearns to find near-optimal paths by interacting with the structure-generatingprocess. It is guided by structure descriptors as process state features and areward signal, which is formulated based on a distance function in thestructure space. The model-free reinforcement learning algorithm learns throughtrial and error while interacting with the process and does not rely on apriori sampled processing data. We instantiate and evaluate the proposed methodby optimizing paths of a generic metal forming process to reach near-optimalstructures, which are represented by one-point statistics of crystallographictextures.


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