Detecting Cross-Modal Inconsistency to Defend Against Neural Fake News

  • 2020-09-16 14:13:15
  • Reuben Tan, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer
  • 20


Large-scale dissemination of disinformation online intended to mislead ordeceive the general population is a major societal problem. Rapid progressionin image, video, and natural language generative models has only exacerbatedthis situation and intensified our need for an effective defense mechanism.While existing approaches have been proposed to defend against neural fakenews, they are generally constrained to the very limited setting where articlesonly have text and metadata such as the title and authors. In this paper, weintroduce the more realistic and challenging task of defending againstmachine-generated news that also includes images and captions. To identify thepossible weaknesses that adversaries can exploit, we create a NeuralNewsdataset composed of 4 different types of generated articles as well as conducta series of human user study experiments based on this dataset. In addition tothe valuable insights gleaned from our user study experiments, we provide arelatively effective approach based on detecting visual-semanticinconsistencies, which will serve as an effective first line of defense and auseful reference for future work in defending against machine-generateddisinformation.


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