Closed-Form Factorization of Latent Semantics in GANs

  • 2020-07-13 18:05:36
  • Yujun Shen, Bolei Zhou
  • 220


A rich set of semantic attributes has been shown to emerge in the latentspace of the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) trained for synthesizingimages. In order to identify such latent semantics for image manipulation,previous methods annotate a collection of synthesized samples and then trainsupervised classifiers in the latent space. However, they require a cleardefinition of the target attribute as well as the corresponding manualannotations, severely limiting their applications in practice. In this work, weexamine the internal representation learned by GANs to reveal the underlyingvariation factors in an unsupervised manner. By studying the essential role ofthe fully-connected layer that takes the latent code into the generator ofGANs, we propose a general closed-form factorization method for latent semanticdiscovery. The properties of the identified semantics are further analyzed boththeoretically and empirically. With its fast and efficient implementation, ourapproach is capable of not only finding latent semantics as accurately as thestate-of-the-art supervised methods, but also resulting in far more versatilesemantic classes across multiple GAN models trained on a wide range ofdatasets.


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