Pre-trained Word Embeddings for Goal-conditional Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning

  • 2020-07-10 06:42:00
  • Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, Kevin Mets, Steven LatrĂ©
  • 1


Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms typically start tabula rasa, withoutany prior knowledge of the environment, and without any prior skills. Thishowever often leads to low sample efficiency, requiring a large amount ofinteraction with the environment. This is especially true in a lifelonglearning setting, in which the agent needs to continually extend itscapabilities. In this paper, we examine how a pre-trained task-independentlanguage model can make a goal-conditional RL agent more sample efficient. Wedo this by facilitating transfer learning between different related tasks. Weexperimentally demonstrate our approach on a set of object navigation tasks.


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