A Free Viewpoint Portrait Generator with Dynamic Styling

  • 2020-07-07 20:28:47
  • Anpei Chen, Ruiyang Liu, Ling Xie, Jingyi Yu
  • 79


Generating portrait images from a single latent space facing the problem ofentangled attributes, making it difficult to explicitly adjust the generationon specific attributes, e.g., contour and viewpoint control or dynamic styling.Therefore, we propose to decompose the generation space into two subspaces:geometric and texture space. We first encode portrait scans with a semanticoccupancy field (SOF), which represents semantic-embedded geometry structureand output free-viewpoint semantic segmentation maps. Then we design a semanticinstance wised(SIW) StyleGAN to regionally styling the segmentation map. Wecapture 664 3D portrait scans for our SOF training and use real capturephotos(FFHQ and CelebA-HQ) for SIW StyleGAN training. Adequate experiments showthat our representations enable appearance consistent shape, pose, regionalstyles controlling, achieve state-of-the-art results, and generalize well invarious application scenarios.


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