Collaborative Learning for Faster StyleGAN Embedding

  • 2020-07-03 15:27:37
  • Shanyan Guan, Ying Tai, Bingbing Ni, Feida Zhu, Feiyue Huang, Xiaokang Yang
  • 18


The latent code of the recent popular model StyleGAN has learned disentangledrepresentations thanks to the multi-layer style-based generator. Embedding agiven image back to the latent space of StyleGAN enables wide interestingsemantic image editing applications. Although previous works are able to yieldimpressive inversion results based on an optimization framework, which howeversuffers from the efficiency issue. In this work, we propose a novelcollaborative learning framework that consists of an efficient embeddingnetwork and an optimization-based iterator. On one hand, with the progress oftraining, the embedding network gives a reasonable latent code initializationfor the iterator. On the other hand, the updated latent code from the iteratorin turn supervises the embedding network. In the end, high-quality latent codecan be obtained efficiently with a single forward pass through our embeddingnetwork. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency ofour work.


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