Neural Contours: Learning to Draw Lines from 3D Shapes

  • 2020-03-23 15:37:49
  • Difan Liu, Mohamed Nabail, Aaron Hertzmann, Evangelos Kalogerakis
  • 79


This paper introduces a method for learning to generate line drawings from 3Dmodels. Our architecture incorporates a differentiable module operating ongeometric features of the 3D model, and an image-based module operating onview-based shape representations. At test time, geometric and view-basedreasoning are combined with the help of a neural module to create a linedrawing. The model is trained on a large number of crowdsourced comparisons ofline drawings. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves significantimprovements in line drawing over the state-of-the-art when evaluated onstandard benchmarks, resulting in drawings that are comparable to thoseproduced by experienced human artists.


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