Extended Markov Games to Learn Multiple Tasks in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

  • 2020-02-14 12:37:41
  • Borja G. León, Francesco Belardinelli
  • 3


The combination of Formal Methods with Reinforcement Learning (RL) hasrecently attracted interest as a way for single-agent RL to learn multiple-taskspecifications. In this paper we extend this convergence to multi-agentsettings and formally define Extended Markov Games as a general mathematicalmodel that allows multiple RL agents to concurrently learn variousnon-Markovian specifications. To introduce this new model we provide formaldefinitions and proofs as well as empirical tests of RL algorithms running onthis framework. Specifically, we use our model to train two differentlogic-based multi-agent RL algorithms to solve diverse settings ofnon-Markovian co-safe LTL specifications.


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