Information Robust Dirichlet Networks for Predictive Uncertainty Estimation

  • 2020-02-13 18:44:49
  • Theodoros Tsiligkaridis
  • 0


Precise estimation of uncertainty in predictions for AI systems is a criticalfactor in ensuring trust and safety. Deep neural networks trained with aconventional method are prone to over-confident predictions. In contrast toBayesian neural networks that learn approximate distributions on weights toinfer prediction confidence, we propose a novel method, Information RobustDirichlet networks, that learn an explicit Dirichlet prior distribution onpredictive distributions by minimizing the expected $L_p$ norm of theprediction error and penalizing information flow associated with incorrectoutcomes. Properties of the new cost function are derived to indicate howimproved uncertainty estimation is achieved. Experiments using real datasetsshow that our technique outperforms by a large margin state-of-the-art neuralnetworks for estimating within-distribution and out-of-distributionuncertainty, and detecting adversarial examples.


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