Transflow Learning: Repurposing Flow Models Without Retraining

  • 2019-11-29 18:14:53
  • Andrew Gambardella, Atılım Güneş Baydin, Philip H. S. Torr
  • 10


It is well known that deep generative models have a rich latent space, andthat it is possible to smoothly manipulate their outputs by traversing thislatent space. Recently, architectures have emerged that allow for more complexmanipulations, such as making an image look as though it were from a differentclass, or painted in a certain style. These methods typically require largeamounts of training in order to learn a single class of manipulations. Wepresent Transflow Learning, a method for transforming a pre-trained generativemodel so that its outputs more closely resemble data that we provideafterwards. In contrast to previous methods, Transflow Learning does notrequire any training at all, and instead warps the probability distributionfrom which we sample latent vectors using Bayesian inference. TransflowLearning can be used to solve a wide variety of tasks, such as neural styletransfer and few-shot classification.


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