In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as atransformative development in artificial intelligence (AI), drawing significantattention from industry and academia. Trained on vast datasets, thesesophisticated AI systems exhibit impressive natural language processing andcontent generation capabilities. This paper explores the potential of LLMs toaddress key challenges in personal finance, focusing on the United States. Weevaluate several leading LLMs, including OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini,Anthropic's Claude, and Meta's Llama, to assess their effectiveness inproviding accurate financial advice on topics such as mortgages, taxes, loans,and investments. Our findings show that while these models achieve an averageaccuracy rate of approximately 70%, they also display notable limitations incertain areas. Specifically, LLMs struggle to provide accurate responses forcomplex financial queries, with performance varying significantly acrossdifferent topics. Despite these limitations, the analysis reveals notableimprovements in newer versions of these models, highlighting their growingutility for individuals and financial advisors. As these AI systems continue toevolve, their potential for advancing AI-driven applications in personalfinance becomes increasingly promising.