Interlinear glossed text (IGT) is a popular format in language documentationprojects, where each morpheme is labeled with a descriptive annotation.Automating the creation of interlinear glossed text can be desirable to reduceannotator effort and maintain consistency across annotated corpora. Priorresearch has explored a number of statistical and neural methods forautomatically producing IGT. As large language models (LLMs) have showed promising results acrossmultilingual tasks, even for rare, endangered languages, it is natural towonder whether they can be utilized for the task of generating IGT. We explorewhether LLMs can be effective at the task of interlinear glossing within-context learning, without any traditional training. We propose newapproaches for selecting examples to provide in-context, observing thattargeted selection can significantly improve performance. We find thatLLM-based methods beat standard transformer baselines, despite requiring notraining at all. These approaches still underperform state-of-the-artsupervised systems for the task, but are highly practical for researchersoutside of the NLP community, requiring minimal effort to use.